Thought Collection
Less is More?
Met Gerald and Garry on Thursday. Turns out his use case for the application is much simpler than we thought. I was under the impression that he wants to be able to track all reviews for the online store as well. But it turns out that he’s more co...
Final Project - Starting out
Among the development projects in CS3216 so far, this is my most balanced team. I finally have a designer on my team and among the developers, we have someone familar with frontend work, instead of having only developers who are more familar with ...
Assignment 3
Assignment 3 turned out to be a disaster. A number of features, such as notifications, which I think are needed for the product to make sense remain unimplemented, and as a whole the application is quite buggy. What went wrong? A confluence of be...
Quick post morterm on assignment 1
We finally got assignment 1 wrapped up just before the final deadline yesterday. Honestly the final product is still rather wanting, with many features that could have been expanded or done better. The whole of the past week has been a blur of try...
I haven’t used Teamviewer before myself although I watched a friend fighting Teamview to deploy some fixes during CVWO, which doesn’t make a good first impression of the application =P. Hence much I have to say will be based on what team 7 said ab...
On CS3216
Why CS3216? No, not because of graduation requirements. In fact, I’m loathe to take something for the sake of graduating…(glares at IS1103) So then why would I go for CS3216 - one of the most notorious modules SoC has to offer and arguably the m...